Wednesday, November 26, 2014

USPS to Delivery Packages 7 days a week – 2014!

The following article located at Retail Online Integration mentions that the USPS is adding package delivery on Sundays during the holidays to meet expected growing demand.  This is definitely good news considering that industry followers are already dreading a repeat of last year’s missed shipping guarantees.
Delivery ManA strong warehouse fulfillment partner has many tools available to ensure that your order reaches its final destination on time during this 2014 holiday season – this includes not only the well-known small parcel carriers, but also what service combinations fit your carton size and configuration, your time line, and your budget.

Remember that one size does not fit all.  Talk to your fulfillment partner about your order composition, your holiday guarantees, and your project volume.  There may be a different solution that can improve your bottom line or your customer satisfaction – or both.

Vision Consumer Products Fulfillment has decades of experience and industry expertise in consumer products fulfillment services.  No matter who your customer is, we treat your customer as our own.  We know what makes a raving fan out of an individual customer, as well as what makes a business partner trust you with their business.  Call or email us to learn how.  We’re certain we’ll be the best fulfillment warehouse partner you have ever had!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

2014 Holiday Shipping Dates

The following article by Retail Online Integration illustrates concerns from retailers following last year’s holiday season shipping delays.

Holiday ShippingIn the 2013 holiday season, many retailers broker their Christmas delivery promise due to a heavier volume of last minute orders.  To prevent a repeat this year in 2014, retailers are now moving up the shipping deadline to compensate.

Your fulfillment partner can help you ensure that you meet your shipping deadlines, all the while still balancing the highest degree of customer support and flexibility.  Have that discussion now, and sleep
better tonight!

Vision Consumer Products Fulfillment has decades of experience and industry expertise in consumer products fulfillment services.  No matter who your customer is, we treat your customer as our own.  We know what makes a raving fan out of an individual cu
stomer, as well as what makes a business partner trust you with their business.  Call or email us to learn how.  We’re certain we’ll be the best fulfillment warehouse partner you have ever had!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Port of Los Angeles 2014 Holiday Planning for Fulfillment Operations

Port of Los Angeles bridge with boat underneath
The holiday season is rapidly approaching for 2014, and already there are concerns about potential delays routing imports through the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach.  The port is the nation’s biggest container hub.  This article posted on Bloomberg states that after ending the previous holiday season with too much merchandise stacked in warehouses, this year U.S. retailers face the opposite – they may not have enough.

Logistics planning is a key service that your third party fulfillment partner can provide.  Vision Consumer Products Fulfillment can provide expertise and system-driven milestone management services for monitoring your product, beginning with the source manufacturer all the way through to the fulfillment warehouse.

This management insight and insider knowledge is even more critical when potential delays are encountered as mentioned in the article.  Expediting product through the port and associated paperwork can translate into revenue either gained or lost.  It’s early November now – and never too late to have this conversation with your fulfillment warehouse.

Vision Consumer Products Fulfillment has decades of experience and industry expertise in consumer products fulfillment services.  No matter who your customer is, we treat your customer as our own.  We know what makes a raving fan out of an individual customer, as well as what makes a business partner trust you with their business.  Call or email us to learn how.  We’re certain we’ll be the best fulfillment warehouse partner you have ever had!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Kitting and Assembly Services in Fulfillment

A common function in a warehouse fulfillment operation is Kitting and Assembly.  This typically involves master kitting, final assembly, disassembly, re-work, and more.  This can be a requirement to prepare product for sale/shipping, as well as in repurposing product inventory.

Warehouse workers preparing packages
The best production services are those that are flexible and can easily switch between automation and manual solutions – thus matching the best approach with each situation.  In addition, a company that has the ability to find the similarities within dissimilar processes, can provide a greater return on investment in both situations.

One conversation with our insightful team will convince you of Vision’s ability to plan, streamline, and execute kitting and assembly services.  You will be amazed at our efficiency and flexibility.  Please contact us to discuss your project – we would love to present our ideas.

Vision Consumer Products Fulfillment has decades of experience and industry expertise in consumer products fulfillment services.  No matter who your customer is, we treat your customer as our own.  We know what makes a raving fan out of an individual customer, as well as what makes a business partner trust you with their business.  Call or email us to learn how.  We’re certain we’ll be the best fulfillment warehouse partner you have ever had!

Vision Consumer Products Fulfillment
Fulfillment Warehouse